(ignore the fact it's phil bloody collins playing the drums)
r.i.p john martyn. i can't think of another more wonderful musician. and so brilliantly odd.
things are quite dull here. still not particularly well but way better than i was. have eaten way too much chocolate. what else, what else...
my new phone arrived today as my old one just very randomly broke yesterday morning for no apparent reason! the new one isn't as pretty but has a really good camera so... it kind of looks a bit james bond actually. ooooer.
one of the things that reinforces the fact i have a highly boring life is is by how excited i get over the small things in life. such as these biscuits...
lookit. aren't they nice? they're BANANA flavoured which is quite amazing! well probably not actually, but one doesn't find banana biscuits terribly often.
i seem to have rather a biscuity thing going on at the moment...
I have absolutely nothing of interest to talk about.