oooh i have a cold and it's all gone to my chest and i feel yucky. humph.
hopefully i'm going to see the triennial at tate britain on sunday, health permitting. i really need to see some stuff, there's only so much you can get from books and the internet. i also want to see the annette messager at the hayward. damn there being so much good stuff on at the moment. why do I always get ill when there's so much amazing stuff to see? london is so amazingly tiring when you're poorly. OH WELL, all in good time. i hope i'm better before everything I want to see finishes. that happened with the warhol, I kept putting off going and then the bloody thing ended. most distressing.
my visual seems to have taken yet another turn in a slightly different direction. well, it's not too far removed... it's all about the same thing i think i've just finally found something that suits. they're always banging on about journeys, and i do feel like i've been on one. part of it involves miniature pianos. this is rather exciting. my tutor freaked out a bit because i've missed some weeks but I said that i was determined to finish this year and not interrupt and she basically said as long as I'm back within the next week or two it'll be alright. bit scary, but I think it's ok.
my new tutuesque skirt came yesterday but I've not been up to trying it on yet. it's so pretty though and not too emo which is always a good thing i think. ALSO, the other week my origin of species poster came, eep. I remember doing that stuff at school but have not been able to remember anything about it, so it's quite nice to be able to just consult my wall if i ever have a darwinian dilemma.
anyway. i found some old stuff as i've not really taken much new stuff over the last few months.

my mum's bedroom always ends up being a good photo place. the stuff i've always been happiest with has been taken in her room. it just has a lovely feel, and lovely light.